Post 8: A subject I enjoy studying
Introduction to Clinical Psychology from the Systemic Approach Hi everyone! As I had told you in the first post, I'm a third year psychology student. In this sense, in the sixth semester it's time to take optional subjects that are of interest to us in the wide spectrum of the different lines of psychology, and there was one in particular that was my favorite: Introduction to Clinical Psychology from the Systemic Approach . In summary, this subject is an introduction to systemic psychology, which is defined as a branch of both theoretical psychology and applied psychology that studies human behavior and experience as complex systems. It's based on the theoretical work of Roger Barker, Gregory Bateson, Humberto Maturana and others. This approach focuses on the study of the different systems that affect the subject, such as family, work, the culture of the country where they live, etc. The truth is that I took this subject becaus...