Post 4: A meal that I really like


Fried fish with rice and "Chilean" salad

    It was really difficult for me to choose a favorite food, because I tend to like desserts a lot,
but after thinking about it for a few minutes I decided to choose fried fish with rice and "Chilean"
salad. The dish consists of some fish, in my case I like "reineta" (as I investigated it is called
pomfret in English, but I'm not completely sure), accompanied with white rice and Chilean salad;
this salad consists of tomato, onion, parsley and condiments (salt, oil and lemon).

    This food is my favorite because it reminds me of when I was a kid. I am from Copiapó, a very
dry city, but there are many cities with a beach on the outskirts (approximately 1 hour of travel
from Copiapó), such as Caldera or Bahía Inglesa. I remember that when there was a long
weekend I would go with my parents and my brother to eat this food at the pier. I also remember
my mom preparing that food at home.
    Regarding how healthy or unhealthy this food is, I don't know if it's very healthy, because the fish
has a layer of flour with beer and then it is fried with a lot of oil, to achieve a crunchy texture characteristic
of fried fish. The good thing is that it's accompanied by the Chilean salad, which makes it a little


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