
Post 8: A subject I enjoy studying

Introduction to Clinical Psychology from the Systemic Approach                Hi everyone! As I had told you in the first post, I'm a third year psychology student. In this sense, in the sixth semester it's time to take optional subjects that are of interest to us in the wide spectrum of the different lines of psychology, and there was one in particular that was my favorite: Introduction to Clinical Psychology from the Systemic Approach . In summary, this subject is an introduction to systemic psychology, which is defined as a branch of both theoretical psychology and applied psychology that studies human behavior and experience as complex systems. It's based on the theoretical work of Roger Barker, Gregory Bateson, Humberto Maturana and others. This approach focuses on the study of the different systems that affect the subject, such as family, work, the culture of the country where they live, etc. The truth is that I took this subject because I did not know much about syst

Post 5: A Photo and its Story

          The photo seems simple, but it brings back endless memories. To begin with, in the photo I'm next to my father - and Sensei - holding the Chilean flag. We were competing in Asunción, Paraguay. It was an Open Pan American Martial Arts Championship, where there were competitors from many disciplines, such as karate, taekwondo, kyokushin, kung fu, etc. This memory is very important in my life because of the context behind it. My dad had retired from competitions about 25 years ago, dedicating himself totally to teaching karate, and that year he decided to give me something very special and symbolic for my birthday: to compete with me in that great tournament. We were teammates, representing Copiapó and Chile. The process was long; The previous months we trained a lot to go to win the first place in our respective categories. And so it was, we were both Pan American champions. In addition, we competed together in a category that is by teams, called “Team Kata” (a kind of chor

Post 4: A meal that I really like

  Fried fish with rice and "Chilean" salad     It was really difficult for me to choose a favorite food, because I tend to like desserts a lot, but after thinking about it for a few minutes I decided to choose fried fish with rice and "Chilean" salad. The dish consists of some fish, in my case I like "reineta" (as I investigated it is called pomfret in English, but I'm not completely sure), accompanied with white rice and Chilean salad; this salad consists of tomato, onion, parsley and condiments (salt, oil and lemon).      This food is my favorite because it reminds me of when I was a kid. I am from Copiapó, a very dry city, but there are many cities with a beach on the outskirts (approximately 1 hour of travel from Copiapó), such as Caldera or Bahía Inglesa. I remember that when there was a long weekend I would go with my parents and my brother to eat this food at the pier. I also remember my mom preparing that food at home.           Regarding how

Post 3: My Favorite Piece of Technology

  Smartphone               I think  the mobile phone is one of the best inventions in history, masterpiece of technology. I'm 25 years old, so I have been able to see something of the evolution that the mobile phone has had in all these years; I remember that the first mobile phone I had could only make calls, send messages and play snake.                But, I think that the most significant advance has been to transform the mobile phone into a smartphone, which consists of a mini computer integrated into a mobile phone. The first smartphone I owned I wouldn't know exactly how long ago it was, but maybe 10 years ago, when I was still in high school.                The main use that I give my smartphone is to communicate by WhatsApp with my friends and family, use Instagram to see memes and also talk with friends, and finally I use my smartphone to play some video games. I would not know exactly which one often uses the smartphone, but I think that a lot of my free time is dedi

My autobiography - Who am I?

                                                                                                                                                         My Autobiography               Hi everyone! My name is Joaquín Astorga Arce. I'm 25 years old and I was born in Copiapó, in the north of our country, but I live in Santiago (Ñuñoa) during the months of classes. At elementary school, I studied at Saint Louis School House (that school went bankrupt). I completed my high school education at Colegio Almenar. Both schools are from Copiapó.                First I had entered to study Engineering at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, in Valparaiso. After a few years, I decided to stop studying that career and come to Santiago. Here, I studying psychology and I'm in third grade.               About my hobbies,  I practice Karate since I was 12 years old and I represented Chile during many years. Also I like to play some video games, preferably in my cell phone.                 I